I can't believe he is 9 today. 9 yrs ago on this day, his grandpa and I was having a estimate on how much a Michigan room would cost. Then we where on the way to the hospital. His sister wasn't to happy when she found out that it was a boy. She had put her order in for a girl, but there are somethings that you have no control over. And I can honestly say I sure she still wishes for a sister instead of a brother not to mention two brothers.
I have been so busy the last two weeks, I think that I have been meeting myself coming and going. At work we had been gearing up for the barn sale then we had for mention sale this past weekend. And it was a success as usual. We made more then we had in Oct. Now the rest will go on Craig's list to be sold. I also made a quick trip to Tennessee to see my niece and her family.
1st the trip. My sister and I took off bright and early on Friday and made good time (for awhile), hit some rain and slow traffic but other wise it was a good trip. Christan and her family have a beautiful home and I so enjoyed myself. She took us to one of her favorite stores, Old Time Pottery, if you ever have a chance go and check this place out. My sister brought now for Kaity Bug a tent with a tunnel, she loved it. I won't mention any names, but someone got stuck in the tunnel. Oh how I wish I had the video of it.

I'm happy to announce that she did get out. But it was funny. And I just loved all my Kaity Bug kisses. I can't wait until the next time, and maybe we can make it a girls weekend with all of us.
Now the second big event was the barn sale, I know what the big deal about that. But when you are filling over 6000 sq. ft. pole barn with items, it is a big deal. It takes about 3 mo of solid work. We are so lucky to have a wonderful lady who does this. Then when all the sorting is done and price, we spend 4 days having a sale. Then the rest goes on to Craig's list or EBay. And let me tell you, I'm not sure how Lisa does all of this, because after the 4 days of selling, I'm whipped. But we do have lots of fun and that makes all the better. I will try and post pictures when we do the next one.
So now I think I'm caught up, at least for now. I'm looking forward to some down time, maybe I can get caught up at the house.
You little stinker....you posted that pic :) hahaha.....that was funny though. Miss you like crazy. Had so much. Thanks again for coming down - we loved it!!!!