I would like to wish everyone a very happy Easter.
This is the first Easter that I'm truly alone. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. It's just so different. In the past we have always celebrated either at our house or at my sisters. The whole family thing. It was so much fun. Then since Brad died, one of the girls has done Easter. But this year Step & Rich had to take the kids to meet Granny & Papa. The kids are going to spend a week in Fl.. And Amanda & Brandon are going to his family this year. So today I got up and called both my girls to wish them a happy Easter, went to the store, came home and picked up some trash in the yard. The weather turned out so nice and sunny. Came in and watched a movie. Next I'm going to pick up the house and do laundry. I know it doesn't sound like a very good holiday. But it is. I have had a very long week at work, and I have been very busy after work also. So it's nice to be able to stay home and get caught up, at least some what and relax.
Yesterday I did a very spare of the minute thing. I was at a drive thur to grab something to eat. I was leaving one job to go to another one. (That's another story for another time.) Anyway as I pulled up to pay for my lunch, I told the teller that I wanted to pay for the person behind me. I told her to the that person Happy Easter and if they ever had a chance to do something for another person to please pay it forward. I wonder how that turned out. I know it made me happy to do such a small thing for a stranger, and I hope that I made a difference in a small way for them.
So as we know, times change, families change, and it's OK to change the way we do things. And if I didn't have to go out, I would have stayed in my jammies all day.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter and I'm going to go watch another movie.
that was very nice of you