This has been a very rough week and it's only Wednesday. Yesterday my youngest daughter call and said that their dog Daisy a 8 mo. old Great Dane was having convolutions. She had no way of getting her to the vet. She has only had Daisy since the middle of Feb. She came into the vets weighing 40# and dropped off and left. She has been trying to get some weight on her but she would loss it as soon as she gained it. So I took off and picked her up and took her to my vet who ran a lot of test. Her blood work showed that her liver was bad, and her stomach couldn't absorb any protein. Plus more problems then I care to list. He feels that either it was hereditary or the results of poor breeding (like puppy mill). But she was suffering and he said if and it was a very small IF he could save her it was questionable that she would ever recover and live a normal life. So faced with that the decision was made to ease her suffering and let her go.

I went home and was in bed before 9 pm. So that was Tuesday and today was a new day. although I wasn't in the best shape I was up and going to work. I forgot to mention that on Tuesday I left work and my wonderful boss so totally understood.
Back to Wednesday. I was in my car getting ready to leave when my oldest daughter called crying so hard I couldn't hear her. She just kept saying Diesels gone. Now I'm in shock, what do you mean Diesels gone? He slipped his collar and took off. They found him hit by a car. It looks like he was headed to my grandsons friends house. They think that because the kids are gone for the week, that he was missing them. One other time he got lose and he ran to the house the Rich was staying at. And that is where they found him, at the drive into the subdivision that his friend lives in. So that has been my week so far. I have had enough. The loss of these two special dogs is to much right now. ..

Diesel is on the right with his sister Molly on the left. This picture was taken last night just hours before he was killed.
They where loved so very much and will be so very much missed. And I know that Brad is taking good care of them. But it really doesn't help to make us feel better
thanks for making me cry again :(
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