Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nov. 17, 2009

Today is better and a dear friend brought me beautiful bouquet of flowers. Nothing has changed, but it's not getting to me today. I was writing up a contract when I realized that a month from today would be my 38th wedding anniversary. I know it will most likely bother me, so I'm trying to come up with something to do on that day. Sort of a celebration even though Brad is gone, I'm not. That day is still so special. So I will have to think long and hard on what it will be. I will keep you posted on my choices.

I was talking to my kids yesterday, and one daughter was having just as bad of day as I was. It was in between the tears that it hit me, just as I worry about them, they worry about me. And as I wish that they would help me get some things finished, they feel guilty because they haven't got them finished. Both my daughters have young families, and so much going on. I never realized that they felt guilty about me.

So to my daughters and their families. I'm so very grateful for everything you have done for me. Your continued support and help. Sometimes I forget that you are also suffering and trying to cope with your loss as well. So to you I'm saying Thank You. You make my life easier with all of your help. I'm not sure what I would do with out you both. I'm so proud of you, and proud to call you family.

As for everything else in my life, well, we will still take it one day at a time.

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